New Zealand and Australia-By Leane

After 3.5 months in Central and South America, we arrived in New Zealand and struggled to shake the feeling that we were cheating. We guzzled tap water and snacked on raw vegetables without fear of becoming ill. We took transportation and bought tickets without issue, and understood the surrounding signage. If that wasn’t enough, the exorbitant cost of everything reminded us that we were back in the Anglo world.

While our time in South America was about connecting as a family, New Zealand and Australia were about reconnecting with friends. I spent key years of my youth in Australia, both as a Rotary high school exchange student in Eden, NSW, and as a new graduate nurse in Brisbane, QLD. Steve and I lived in Melbourne for a year in 2005 while he completed his fellowship and I worked at the Royal Children’s. We made special friendships during these years, friendships that have withstood the test of time and distance.

New Zealand was a quick stop. We knew we couldn’t travel this far without dropping in to see our good friend David Bettany, a fellow psychiatrist who worked with Steve back in Melbourne days. We didn’t have time to venture through the beautiful and adventure-filled South Island this time around, so we stayed close to Auckland and explored the area. Local Waiheke and Davenport were great day trips from the city before venturing south to Tauranga and finishing up with a long weekend on the beach at Mangawhai Heads, north of Auckland. We did mange to sneak in a few visits to local wineries with minimal grumbling from the back seat. NZ Sauvignon Blanc continues to be a fave.

Back in August, in Costa Rica, we began reading The Hobbit as a family. Bilbo Baggins entertained us during the road closures in Costa Rica, long bus rides in Colombia, the Amazon in Ecuador, and in the desert in Atacama. As we neared Hobbiton, we were closing in on the final chapter. The long awaited Hobbiton Dinner Feast did not disappoint. Our tour through the shire was just as we had envisioned, and the lantern walk late in the evening was magical. The superfans kept me entertained all evening. An American dressed as Bilbo spent the entire night barefoot as he wanted to experience Hobbiton as a true hobbit. We only realized he wasn’t a paid character after making him pose with our children for half a dozen photos. Another fan brought his girlfriend to record his reenactment of entire scenes from the movie, complete with props he had carried with him from Australia. The dinner was a true feast, and we were encouraged to eat like hobbits and indulge in seconds and thirds. Fortunately, the Mathias girls all inherited my “dessert stomach”, as the second spread was almost as spectacular as the main.

We couldn’t leave without a quick lesson on the Maori culture, so we stopped at the Auckland Museum en route to the airport. It was valuable for the girls to see a country that has embraced it’s indigenous heritage and integrated Maori language and culture into the community and school system. This was a sharp contrast to the devastating histories and even the genocide of some indigenous groups throughout North and South America.

Securing christmas in Queensland was the first step in planning our year away. The direction of our travels, timing, countries, etc. all fell into place from there. Nerissa, Sue and Ian hosted us at their home on the Sunshine Coast and Christmas week was a lot of back and forth between the beach and the pool. Insert multi-family volleyball games, a round of golf, and some fantastic evenings with good friends.

We discarded our idea of hiring a camper for the month when our friends started reaching out with offers to host us during our time in Australia. These stops stretched from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland all the way down to Melbourne, and we couldn’t imagine missing out on any of them. So, we rented a car and embarked on an epic 4000km road trip. The girls thought this was fantastic, they made new friends at every stop along the way. They traded email addresses and Instagram handles, and the next generation of friendships began. The girls learned Aussie slang and summer holiday pastimes. Anna caught the surfing bug. She was a natural and left Steve behind as she caught wave after wave during their lessons together. Amée and Elise spent hours boogie boarding and building epic sand castles.

The far south coast of New South Wales holds special memories for both of us. Not only did I spend a year as an 18 year old exchange student, but I brought Steve back in 2004 to meet my friends and host families. We returned for one final visit at the end of 2005 before moving back to Canada, and we were engaged during that visit on a rainy day on Asling’s beach. It was emotional for us to bring the girls to Eden/Merimbula and share with them our stories and introduce them to friends and family who have been such a big part of our lives.

We settled for awhile in Melbourne. Steve cracked open the computer and headed off to work for a good part of two weeks, learning from the crew at Headspace Australia and Origin, and sharing stories of Foundry with Australian colleagues. Our time in Melbourne was perfect- the weather was warm (Hot! Like, hottest day on record HOT), the people were on holidays, and the tennis was on. Family day at the Aussie Open is held two days before the tournament begins. The concert stage was in full swing, the kids had a chance to have have a hit, and the players were warming up and wandering around the grounds. The girls found a big yellow tennis ball and a pen in the gift store and spent the afternoon watching the stars practice and catching their signatures as they left the court. By the end of the day, they had caught the tennis bug. They were all in and the tournament hadn’t even started. They loaded the AO App and learned the players and their statistics. We spent most of the week cheering on the Canadian players with our grounds passes. Steve and I had a night out with Ryan and Lori (thanks, guys!) in Rod Laver Arena and will not soon forget watching Tsitsipas eliminate Federer in an epic 4 hour match.

When we weren’t at the tennis, we were barbecuing, picnicking and dining our way around the city as we caught up with old friends. We introduced the girls to beach tennis in Port Melbourne, a game that kept us in shape and introduced us to some of our dearest friends back in 2005. Steve and I hit some of our old running routes around the port (why did they seem so much longer this time??).

Melbourne was supposed to be the end of the road trip, but the girls had other ideas. Back at school in Costa Rica, they had become fast friends with three Australian sisters who were abroad for a year in Samara. They had returned in December to their home town of Mount Gambier, South Australia. The Mathias girls put their foot down. They wouldn’t leave Australia until they had visited the Attiwell sisters, and they promised not to groan ONCE about the travel time it would take to get there. So we added an extra state to our list of places traveled. It was worth it to see the girls have so much fun and rekindle their friendships. We couldn’t venture in that direction without travelling the Great Ocean Road and seeing the 12 Apostles (now 7 or 8). Even in record setting 47 degree heat, that drive is breathtaking and wonderful.

My love affair with Australia has not faded after all this time. Life in Vancouver is wonderful and I have no regrets about our decision to settle in Canada, but there is, and always will be, a part of me that belongs in Australia.

To all of our amazing friends in Australia and New Zealand: Thank you for opening your homes to us. Your hospitality was above and beyond in every way. The Christmas season could have been a difficult time for the girls to be away from their friends and relatives back home, but you made them feel like family and had them so involved in friendships and adventures, they didn’t have time to notice. The meals, the wine, the laughs, and the stories- we will never forget our visit. Thank you.

Food, Artvo and Victoria Markets- By Elise\


We got to Australia and we all wondered what we were going to eat.

So I decided to blog about it and this is what we tried new

Fresh vegetables

Australian candy

Fish and chips


Tim tams



Lamb burger

The flavours of Tim tams are caramel dark chocolate white chocolate and double


I Really Like Tim tams!


Wen we first arrived at the artvo we entered the room and we started walking

Thru the hall way and started acting out the pictures it was really fun!

I really like the picture with me and my sisters hanging from the wall


We got ready for the Victoria markets and started walking to the tram station. Wen we

got to the Markets we started walking around. We got really good fruits and we even

got Lunch which was bagels and spinach pie. We kept walking around. it was gust 4 of

us because are dad was at work.

Mt Gambier, Australia- By Anna

When we were in Costa Rica, we met girls from Australia who went to the same Spanish school as us. Their names were Charlie,10, Kadie,9, and Teagan,7. When we arrived in Melbourne, our parents surprised us because they told us we were going to go visit them. So on Monday morning, we hopped in the car and drove the seven hours to Mt Gambier. The drive was beautiful. The weather was perfect and the ocean was so clear. Tash our friend’s mom, recommended a couple places that we should stop so that’s what we did. The first stop was at the Umpherston Sinkholes. Sinkholes are caves which the entire ground has fallen down. It was pretty neat because it was transformed into a giant botanical garden. We also got to see a possum, which looks a little like a squirrel and a rat mixed together. The second stop was to go meet up with them at the Blue Lake. It was so nice to see them again. We took a couple pictures then we went to their holiday house. We settled in a bit and then we went out for fish n chips. They were so good because we ate them with extra chicken salt. The next morning, we ate breakfast and I taught Charlie and Kadie how to play a card game called “Exploding kittens”. At ten o’clock, all the girls went down to the park ( my dad was working). We played in the park while our moms drank their coffees then, we went back to their place for lunch. After lunch, we played a tag game called Camouflage. It was really fun and we couldn’t stop laughing. We had chicken and sausages for dinner and we played more Camouflage. The next morning, we sadly had to say our goodbyes. We packed up our car then we drove away. We are still hoping that they come visit us in Canada.

Melbourne friends-By Amelie

My parents met a couple named Kelly and Paul last time they were here, so we got to hang out with their daughter Siena. The first time we met them was at the beach when we learned how to play beach tennis, which is tennis on the beach with no second serve. We played a couple games of that, got dinner, had ice cream, walked on the beach and played some other fun games. There was also another couple there named Kylie and Stuart. The next week we all had a barbecue at Kylie and stuarts place where we played Just dance which was so fun! We went down to the park and played cricket. Cricket is a popular Australian sport that requires a ball, a bat and three sticks. The positions are: the bowler (who throws the ball to the batsman). There are two batsman (who bats the ball that the bowler throws). Then there are the Fielders, there can be as many or as little as you would like. There job is to try and catch the ball that the batsman hit without it touching the ground. If it does you have to throw the ball to the fielder behind the three sticks and they have to touch the three sticks before the bowler passes the line that is about two feet from the three sticks. The reason there are two batsman is because one of them has to stand beside the bowler and the other one has to bat the ball. Once the ball has been hit, the two batsman have to run as fast as they can and switch places. That’s when the fielders get into the action.

Merimbula, Australia- by Anna

When we arrived in Merimbula, we were introduced to Nerissa ‘s dad Barney and his partner Tina. It was really late and we were exhausted after a day of driving so, we went to bed. The next morning,Tina made us pancakes then we all got ready for a fun day at Pambula beach. Just as we were about to leave, my dad said that I was going to take surf lessons and I was so happy about that. I had been wanting to go surfing ever since Caloundra. We all piled up in the car and we drove to the beach. My surf lesson was a blast, the coaches were fun, and the waves were huge but great for surfing. Meanwhile, Amelie and Elise were on the beach making a huge sandcastle with Brendan, Nerrisa’s brother. In the evening, Nerissa came with us to look for kangaroos. We did not have much luck at first but then we came across a golf course packed with them (maybe not packed but you get the picture). There were baby’s and a giant one that we were all scared of. We got some good pictures and we were able to go pretty close to them. The next morning, I went for a walk with my mom and Nerissa. It was a really nice boardwalk. We walked all the way down to a little Cafe and I ordered a milkshake. Then we walked back to the house. Later on, my dad and I took a surf lesson. Yesterday, he saw me having so much fun that he wanted to join me. My dad never managed to stand on his board, it was hilarious to see him fall into the water. I found my dad was a bit of a distraction because every time I was just about to stand up he would cut me off. Thanks dad! That night, we went out for dinner with a whole bunch of my mom’s old highschool friends. The next morning, my dad and I woke up early, and we went for one more surf. The water was quiet but every once in a while there would be a giant one sometimes, too big for me. After surfing, we drove up to Eden to have a picnic and to meet my mom’s host moms from 1994. Eden was also the place that my parents were engaged. It was a nice evening, the food was good, and it was nice to finally meet Marg and Jo. The next morning we said our final goodbyes to Nerissa, Barney and Tina. Then we drove off to………….Melbourne.

Fireworks- By Elise

Wen we first wok up at 6:00 in the morning we got ready for NYE!

We hopped in the car. Wen we got there are mom was already in the line. We got to the place that we were going to stay tell after midnight. We stayed there for 14 hours so we set out are towel and ate lunch. We played card games and met new friends. We were so tiered. We saw the 9:00 family fireworks and I had a nap in the park in between the midnight fireworks!

Wen they were dun we started walking to are car and we got to a gate

and they let us go thru but the roads were closed. We had to stay in are car or sleep in are car tell 4:00 in the Morning. NO!!!

Sydney-by Amélie

Elise has blogged about New Years, so I will blogging about the remaining of Sidney. After New Years night we slept in until 10 so that took up half of our day. We had a quiet lunch at home then headed out for the afternoon. We took the ferry up to Darling harbour and went for a walk around the rocks and the Sidney opera house. After walking for a couple hours we found a nice restaurant right by the water and had a lovely dinner over looking the opera house. The next day, we went to manly beach (a beautiful beach with great border walks) and dipped our feet in the rock pools. We also rented bikes and rode around the city. The next day, we had to leave so in the morning we got up early and went for a nice long walk called the Bondi coogee hike, before sitting in the car for a very long time. Sidney was fun but tiring. If you ever spend New Years there, then make sure not to park in the same place as we did!

Queesland- by Anna

When we arrived in Brisbane after 24 hours of unexpected flights, we went to my mom’s friend Shane and her husband Brian and their daughter Ella’s house. We settled in. Half an hour after we arrived, Shane and Ella came home. We had a fun evening celebrating Shane’s birthday, learning a new dance, and swimming in their pool. Ella introduced us to vegimite that I liked but my

sisters thought tasted like salty fish and really disliked it. We also had a BBQ and ate birthday cake. Wednesday started off with a swim, then we went shopping for our Secret Santa. I got my mom. After shopping, we went for another swim then had a lovely dinner. It was a fun night! Thursday morning we watched a Christmas movie. In the afternoon, we went to Southbank, which is in the heart of Brisbane. We went for lunch at a Mexican restaurant and I ordered chicken fajitas. We went swimming in an ocean pool and the adults went to the restaurant. Friday, we said our goodbyes then we drove to Caloundra, a town an hour north from Brisbane. When we arrived, we met Nerissa, Sue and Ian. Nerissa and my mom were roommates back when my mom lived in Australia. We were smoking hot because it was 40 degrees outside and it felt like we were in a sauna the entire day. We went in their pool. Saturday, we went to the beach with Nerissa and my mom’s other friend, Carrie and her family. I learnt how to surf, it was a blast. We spent the evening at Sandpoint Christmas carnival with Shane, Ella and Brian. We went on a mini bungee activity, took pictures at the photo booth, had dinner, and watched fire works that lasted thirty seconds because of the wind. We all had a big laugh about that. We had to say our final goodbyes which was really hard. Sunday, we went for a swim at the beach with the same gang. The waves were a bit to choppy, so it was too dangerous to surf. Then we came back and made a Gingerbread house with Sue. Later on in the evening, Nerissa and my parents went out for dinner and Sue and Ian took us for a drive to see Christmas lights. It was so fun! Monday morning we all got to work with our cooking and baking for Christmas. I made a Mississippi Mud Pie, Elise made Carmel slice and Amee made our traditional meat pie called ” Tortière” with my dad. We definitely had some fun volley ball games on Christmas Eve. That night, we got cookies and milk for Santa and we could almost not fall asleep bacause we were so excited. The next morning was fun. We started with gifts. We got a ticket to the Australia Zoo and we got the best present ever from Santa! We got tickets to go see Ed Sheeran live in Portugal! We were so excited that we couldn’t talk about anything but that, in the morning. In the afternoon, Carrie and Dan came over with their kids Mayson, Blayke and Ruby and also my moms friends Max and Michelle. We had an awesome Christmas lunch, a pool party and then after Max and his gang left, we played volleyball with Carrie and her family. It was a fantastic night. On boxing day, we went to the Australian Zoo. We saw tonnes of animals snakes, koalas, kangaroos, crocodiles, Tasmanian devils, beautiful birds, some giant lizards and tigers. We even got to watch a crocodile show with birds as well. It was cool to see the Irwins history. We also got to take a picture, holding a koala. After the Zoo, we went to the beach and had fish and chips with Carrie and her gang. Thursday, we packed up and left Caloundra. Goodbyes are always tough.